Drive your visitors towards the sustainable development of your destination
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Partner with stakeholders, involve your visitors, foster sustainability and nourish local economy

Build a smart and sustainable destination engaging your visitors .

Become a sustainable destination creates a brand new positioning for your destination by facilitating the creation of sustainable offerings and experiences and integrating the SDGs framework within all your destination development.

Involve SMEs and cultural organizations comes with a governance tool that enables you to involve local stakeholders around the mission of a more sustainable destination, creating special offers and sustainable experiences.

Make your visitors travel with a purpose involves visitors in generating a positive impact while they visit your destination. Share your vision with them and generate a sense of responsibility during their stay rewarding positive behaviors.

Nourish the local economy creates a visibility channel for small businesses, cultural organizations and players of the hospitality sector that want to showcase their sustainable offerings and experiences supporting the local economy.

A software developed by:

Logo superUrbanity

50+ organizations of all sizes have chosen to work together with us to foster sustainability and innovation

Logo Kilometrorosso
Comune di Sangano
Logo Kilometrorosso
Comune di Sangano

Top Technologies


SDG's Measurements

AI sustainable agenda: measuring the contribution of actions to the UN 2030 Sustainability Agenda.


GIS Mapping

AI GIS Tool: create interactive maps for data visualization and community engagement


‍‍‍polls and surveys

AI Service Design: tool di AI per la generazione guidata di sondaggi e questionari.

Fields of application is designed to support cities and DMOs in building a sustainable and smart destination.








Technical features

Lorem Ipsum

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AI-driven actions

Suggest synergies between stakeholders and targeted compensation actions.

SDGs Sustainability Strategy

Developing a sustainability vision and strategy using the ONU 2030 Agenda's SDGs as a framework.

AI Content Improvement

Artificial intelligence capabilities enable easy, fast, and compelling storytelling.

Upload documents and reports

Detailed documents and reports pertaining to projects or initiatives may be uploaded for public consultation.

Soft Data Management

Structured sustainability initiatives, SDG alignment, impact assessment, performance dashboard.

Creazione patti territoriali

Collaborative functions for the joint development and governance of territorial pacts.

Set-up e visual identity

The platform is fully customizable to reflect your brand's unique look and feel, to define custom deployment.

Data Visualization

AI transforms raw data into meaningful insights, making it easier to comprehend and monitor.

IT support

We provide technical support and assistance with the initial configuration and optional training on demand.


Collabora e guida gli stakeholder

Definisci una vision e coinvolgi gli stakeholder con impegni e azioni concrete e crea sinergie tra aziende e enti del terzi del terzo settore per massimizzare gli impatti e ottimizzare gli investimenti.

Monitora gli impatti

Analizza l'andamento delle azioni grazie ad una data visualization dinamica e prendi decisioni basate su dati verificabili grazie ad una dashboard interattiva e di facile comprensione.

Racconta e coinvolgi

Funzionalità di Intelligenza Artificiale facilitano il racconto e semplificano l'inserimento dati per una comunicazione più efficace e coinvolgente dei cittadini per garantire consenso attorno ad azioni e investimenti di medio-lungo periodo.

Simplifying the Process of Getting Started

Unlock the Power of Company Cards in Just Three Simple Steps


Sign up for our Company Card Program

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Start by completing our easy online signup form.
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Provide the information about your company and desired card features.
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Our team will review and guide you through the onboarding process.
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Customize Your Company Card Program

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Collaborate with our experts to tailor the program to your specific needs.
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Define spending limits, expense categories, and any additional controls.
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Add your company branding to the cards for a personalized touch.
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Distribute Cards & Empower Your Employees

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Receive the approved company cards swiftly and securely.
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Distribute cards to employees, in person or through our delivery options.
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Empower your team to make purchases within their authorized limits.
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